TAK Scholarship Details

The Louisiana College - TAK Scholarship Fund is an endowed scholarship designed to provide for the education of those who have had a hardship in the family caused by cancer or heart disease. It may also be granted to a Pre-Professional Health Care student whose future research and work may help provide a cure for cancer or heart disease.

Your contribution to this scholarship fund provides many benefits to current & future recipients, Louisiana College, yourself and all of humanity.

Recipients of the scholarship are selected based upon the fact their family has been directly affected by cancer or heart disease, plus financial need and academic qualifications. Each Recipient values the scholarship and realizes that without it, their academic & professional goals may never be met.

Louisiana College (and future graduate schools of the Recipients) benefit from your scholarship contribution, in that they are able to provide an education to the Recipients, who may not be able to attend and matriculate without it.

The world, in general, benefits from each educated person that our higher education system produces. In particular, your scholarship contribution provides for several educations, one of which may, some day, wipe out cancer and heart disease as we know it.

Perhaps the greatest part of your tax deductible donation to the Louisiana College - TAK Scholarship Fund is that your contribution will continue to help provide scholarships every semester, year-in and year-out, from this day forward, regardless of any other action on your part.

Please take time, right now, to make a one-time, or periodic, donation to help fund additional scholarships in pursuit of this worthy cause. Send your tax deductible donations to:

Louisiana College
Office of Institutional Advancement
1140 College Drive
PO Box 587
Pineville, LA 71359
(Payable to: Louisiana College - TAK Scholarship Fund)

To receive periodic updates via e-mail or regular mail, please register to receive our TAK Scholarship Fund Advisory. This occasional notice is designed to keep you informed of the continued progress of the Louisiana College - TAK Cancer/Heart Disease Scholarship Fund.

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