Related Links

Below is a list of related web sites. Feel free to visit them for additional information.

Louisiana College - Without Louisiana College, Tau Alpha Kappa, as we know it, would not exist.

American Cancer Society - The A. C. S. web site provides a comprehensive informational database relating to all forms of cancer and cancer research.

Relay For Life - The Brothers of Tau Alpha Kappa encourage you, your business and your family to participate in your closest Relay For Life.

American Heart Association - The A. H. A. web site provides a comprehensive web site dedicated to eradicating heart disease and strokes.

World Heart Federation - This site is basically the international equivalent of the A. H. A.

World Heart Day - The Brothers of Tau Alpha Kappa encourage you, your business and your family to participate in  World Heart Day .

Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention - Learn how estimate & reduce your cancer risk. - This site provides free, up-to-date and accurate information concerning cancer. - This site teaches about the biology of cancer.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The world's largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services.

Make A Difference Day - The Brothers of Tau Alpha Kappa encourage all citizens to Make a Difference at least one day a year.



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